
The baby experienced right-sided twitching on the second day after birth, with a computerized tomography showing ischemic and hypoxic brain disease. The newborn intensive care unit was stayed for half a month, during which time neurotrophic drugs were used. Which Taipei hospital is more authoritative in treating pediatric cerebral palsy?


Oral or injectable medications such as neurotrophic drugs, muscle relaxants, and blood circulation drugs can be used. This includes medications that reconstruct and repair brain tissue (cells), such as lecithin, which can repair damage to brain cell membranes caused by trauma, hemorrhage, and hypoxia, protect nerve cells, accelerate nerve impulse conduction, and improve learning and memory functions. Options also include medications that promote brain cell DNA synthesis, increase the efficiency of brain cell oxygen utilization, improve brain cell energy metabolism, and enhance brain function, such as Guli Xi (brain enzyme hydrolysate tablets) and Spirulina tablets (capsules). Additionally, actively supplementing a variety of vitamins, such as 21-Vitamin He. Under certain conditions, hospitals can alternately choose the following injectable preparations (with the same effects as tablets): Cerebrolysin, Brain Polypeptide, Acetylglutamic Acid, Cytidine Diphosphate Choline, etc.