
A 5-year-old child is unable to walk or stand independently, but can move with support and has learned to speak. How should cerebral palsy be treated?


The pharmacological treatment for cerebral palsy includes oral or injectable medications such as brain nutrition drugs, muscle relaxants, and blood circulation drugs. These medications include those that can repair brain tissue and brain cells, such as lecithin, which can repair cellular membrane damage caused by trauma, hemorrhage, or hypoxia, protect nerve cells, and improve nerve conduction. Additionally, there are drugs that promote DNA synthesis in brain cells, increase the oxygen utilization of brain cells, and improve brain energy metabolism, such as Guli Xi (brain enzyme hydrolysate tablets) and Spirulina capsules (capsules). At the same time, actively supplementing a variety of vitamins, such as 21-Vitamin Complex, is also necessary. In hospitals with the conditions, injections of agents such as cerebrolysin, brain polypeptides, acetylglutamine, and cytidine diphosphate choline can be used alternately.