
In order to prevent rickets, how should cod liver oil be given to children? I have given Icosin to my children before, but I was worried that long-term use may lead to poisoning.


Cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D. Vitamin D plays a major role in promoting the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the small intestinal mucosa; deficiency can lead to skeletal developmental disorders and rickets. Recommendations: 1) Start giving your child 400 international units of vitamin D from 2 to 3 weeks after birth, and continue for 2-3 years, especially for premature babies, twins, and children with factors of vitamin A and D deficiency who require additional supplementation. 2) After the age of 3, as the growth rate of children slows down, their diet becomes more varied, and outdoor activities increase, they usually do not need additional supplementation of cod liver oil.