
What is the typical weight and height range for a baby at 11 months?


By the end of the eleventh month, babies usually have 5 to 7 teeth. Boys weigh an average of about 9.65 kilograms, and girls about 9.02 kilograms. If a boy’s weight is below 7.57 kilograms or a girl’s weight is below 7.02 kilograms, it should raise concern. By this month, the average height for boys is 75.2 centimeters, and for girls, it’s 73.7 centimeters. At this stage, babies may try to climb stairs with adult assistance but are not yet able to walk steadily by alternating their feet. They enjoy squatting to play and can go from a standing position to squatting or from sitting to standing up, though they are not very steady and may accidentally sit down. Babies can walk by holding onto something stable and enjoy exploring everywhere, so it’s important to ensure their safety.