
The 43-day-old baby is experiencing unstable sleep patterns, often eating irregularly, and has a significantly reduced appetite. The baby is male, 43 days old, and had been in good health before. Two nights ago, the baby vomited a lot of milk, and since then, the appetite has decreased. No matter how much food is offered, the baby cannot eat it. When held, the baby may fall asleep, but wakes up soon after being placed in the bed. After waking up, the baby may eat a little and then fall back asleep. The baby has a bowel movement once a day, and the body temperature is normal.


The baby’s poor sleep quality may be due to a deficiency in vitamin D. Common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include night terrors, irritability, restlessness, night sweats, and alopecia. It is recommended to use appropriate medication for treatment after a detailed examination by a doctor. It is suggested to let the baby get more sunlight exposure, which helps with the absorption of vitamin D. For cases of vitamin D deficiency, Icodextrin can be used for supplementation. Since the content of vitamin D in breast milk is low, babies can start supplementing with vitamin D from 14 days after birth.