
What Could Be Causing a Two-Month-Old Baby to Shake Their Head?


A two-month-old baby shaking their head could be due to several reasons, including excessive sweating on the head, making the child feel uncomfortable, so they shake their head on the pillow to wipe away sweat. Additionally, it could be because of a cold that causes a stuffy nose, affecting sleep quality.

  1. If the cause is indeed excessive sweating, it’s important to wipe the sweat promptly and provide the child with adequate calcium supplementation.
  2. If a stuffy nose is confirmed, antiviral medications such as Acetaminophen Paracetamol Dispersible Tablets and Aicand are recommended. Pay attention to proper warmth measures, especially for the lower limbs and shoulders. If the congestion is severe, it may be necessary to use diluted Fumaramin Nasal Drops to relieve the symptoms.