
  1. What should be done for a baby who is 40 minutes old and frequently experiences nasal congestion, especially since she seems to have mucus?
  2. She is breastfed, but only has a bowel movement once a day, sometimes not even that, is this a problem?
  3. She was hospitalized for 19 days due to pneumonia and cerebral ventricular hemorrhage, and after returning home, her sleep has been restless. She seems unable to sleep deeply, stretching her legs and arms every few minutes, and her face is flushed. Is this due to nasal congestion?


When a baby experiences nasal congestion, parents should first check if there is mucus in the baby’s nose. If there is mucus, you can use a clean cotton swab dipped in a little warm water to gently insert into the nose and soften the mucus inside. Then, remove the mucus. If there is no mucus in the nose but the baby still has difficulty breathing through the nose, it may be due to inflammation causing the nasal mucosa to become swollen. Changing the position can be beneficial by using a warm towel to moisten the area around the nose, which helps with nasal breathing. If necessary, it is advisable to seek medical advice.