
A 21-month-old baby developed pneumonia due to a cold and cough. The baby has been receiving about 10 days of intravenous treatment and the inflammation has basically recovered, but there are still issues such as poor appetite, unstable mood, and occasional coughing. How should the treatment be continued?


When treating pediatric pneumonia, it is important to maintain good air circulation and appropriate temperature and humidity in the room, and to provide easily digestible food. Regularly turn the baby and pat their back. Choose the appropriate antibiotic based on the possible pathogen and severity of the disease. For mycoplasma pneumonia, macrolide drugs can be used; for viral pneumonia, antiviral drugs such as ribavirin or acyclovir can be used. In addition, if the baby shows signs of hypoxia, oxygen should be provided; for coughing and thick sputum, expectorants or nebulization therapy can be administered.