A ten-year-old boy, a primary school student, initially reported pain while swallowing and difficulty in swallowing, accompanied by a low-grade fever. How should a child with tonsillitis who is crying and distressed be treated?
In clinical practice, the main treatment for pediatric tonsillitis is the use of antibiotic medications, which can be selected based on the results of bacterial culture and are effective. Additionally, regional treatments can be carried out, including tonsil crypt irrigation, tonsil intravenous medication injection, and laser treatment. For children with pronounced throat pain, analgesics can be used, and physical cooling methods can be adopted for those with low-grade fever. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°C, immediate medical attention should be sought. In addition to the above drug treatment methods, if a child frequently experiences tonsillitis, it is also recommended to consider surgical treatment. During this period, it is important to ensure that the child gets adequate rest and consumes plenty of vegetables and fruits.