
My son has been diagnosed with a mild case of pneumonia. We have followed the instructions for chest X-rays and have been taking cephalosporin-type anti-inflammatory medication, and the cough has lessened. The doctor advises continuing intravenous fluid therapy for another week, but I am worried about the long-term use of antibiotics leading to antibody production.


  1. Treatment must follow the full course.
  2. To avoid drug resistance, it is important to choose sensitive antibiotics.
  3. Recovery time should be determined based on symptoms and test results.
  4. How can we prevent pediatric pneumonia? Children have weaker resistance and poor adaptability to the environment. Once infected with pneumonia, it can become more severe. Therefore, strict preventive measures must be taken, including reducing contact with the outside world to avoid cross-infection. When family members have a cold, they should be isolated from the child. Pay attention to breastfeeding to avoid choking, spilling milk, and vomiting. Provide necessary and sufficient nutrition, timely introduce complementary foods, actively prevent and treat rickets, engage in more outdoor activities and sun exposure, keep indoor air circulating, prevent colds and flu, and carry out various preventive vaccinations to enhance immunity.