
What medicine should a child take for diarrhea? The duration and current condition of the illness: It has been four days. The current condition: The child was given intravenous fluids for the first three days! It doesn’t seem to be improving! They eat something and it comes right back out! If they don’t eat, it seems better! Is it an intestinal infection with bacteria? Are there any medications or methods that can be used for treatment? What can a child with diarrhea eat?


Considering that your child’s condition might be caused by unsanitary food, I recommend you to go to the hospital for stool routine tests and consider taking Simethicone for diarrhea, and Jinneijing to aid digestion while maintaining a light diet. It is advised to consult a pediatrician for confirmation. If the condition is confirmed, oral medications such as Mamyai or Simethicone combined with oral rehydration salts can be taken, along with pediatric anti-diarrheal granules and Dinguilai plaster applied externally. For severe cases, intravenous fluid therapy should be administered under a doctor’s guidance. It is recommended to let the baby drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, have a light diet, consume fluid foods to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and if diarrhea persists, consult a hospital for intravenous treatment to avoid electrolyte imbalance.