
My baby is 26 days old and is not getting enough sleep, often not sleeping for more than 4 or 5 hours at a time. When awake, they seem quite alert and do not cry much. However, they will squirm for a while or cry out one or two times before stopping, always feeling as though they’re not getting enough sleep and are easily awakened. They can only sleep for 3-hour stretches a couple of times a day. What could be the reason?


It could be due to calcium deficiency or being startled. If you’re not sure, it’s advisable to have them undergo a trace element test at the hospital and supplement as necessary. It’s recommended to supplement calcium or other trace elements under a doctor’s guidance, based on your baby’s condition. In daily life, pay attention to your baby’s balanced diet, introduce complementary foods appropriately, often take them outdoors for activity, and expose them to sunlight to aid in calcium absorption. Wishing your baby a healthy and happy growth!