
What potential complications can arise after neonatal Rh hemolytic disease treatment? Are there any effective treatment methods?


Hello: Treatment methods for neonates include planned induction of labor and exchange transfusion:

  1. Planned Induction of Labor: For situations where there is a risk of stillbirth at 34 to 35 weeks of pregnancy, artificial induction of labor can be performed 2 to 4 weeks before the expected delivery date to reduce the risk of stillbirth and neonatal mortality.
  2. Exchange Transfusion: For neonates with mild anemia appearing later, only fresh blood transfusion is needed; while for neonates with severe anemia and jaundice, serum-compatible exchange transfusion is required. Exchange transfusion can remove antibodies-coated fetal red blood cells, correct anemia, and clear excessive bilirubin and anti-Rh antibodies. If the serum bilirubin level at birth is higher than 5mg/dl, repeat exchange transfusion may be necessary. The transfused red blood cells should be Rh-negative to avoid destruction by residual anti-Rh antibodies, preventing hemolysis and exacerbating jaundice.