
The child’s tongue is red and purple, with a thick, greasy coating and slightly yellow. The stool is pasty and sticky, indicating possible internal heat. Can the child take Abei Gao (a traditional Chinese medicine paste) to regulate the spleen and stomach? The child’s appetite has greatly decreased compared to before, and they have never been picky about food. Which is more effective for the symptoms: Wang’s Baoshi Wan or Abei Gao?


Based on the description, it may be due to dyspepsia. It is recommended to take the child to a public hospital pediatric department for a check-up and treatment after determining the cause. Poor gastrointestinal function is prone to internal heat, so it is advisable to eat cooling and moistening foods such as white carrots, tomatoes, lotus root powder, green bean porridge, or Job’s tears porridge. Fruits can be chosen from hawthorn and pears. Drinking plenty of plain water and giving Yitong probiotics to regulate the intestines can also be beneficial.