
My infant has been coughing with phlegm since birth, and at nearly seven months old, the problem persists. The cough often accompanies vomiting, and even slight indiscretion with food results in vomiting. What solutions are available?


Hello, here are some common pediatric formulas for clearing phlegm:

  1. Dingchuan Decoction: Made from dried ginger, dried ginger, dried ginger, and dried ginger, it has the effect of drying dampness, clearing phlegm, and soothing the middle energizer. It is suitable for coughing with excessive phlegm due to dampness in the chest and abdomen.
  2. Wencha Tang: Composed of dried ginger, dried ginger, dried ginger, dried ginger, and dried ginger, it has the effect of clearing heat and drying phlegm, and soothing the stomach and calming the mind. It is suitable for excessive phlegm due to heat in the upper part of the body.
  3. Xianxin Tang: Composed of dried ginger, dried ginger, and dried ginger, it has the effect of clearing heat and drying phlegm, and widening the chest and dispersing knots. It is suitable for chest fullness due to phlegm and heat intermingling.
  4. Baimei Guanghua Powder: Made from dried ginger, dried ginger, dried ginger, dried ginger, and dried ginger, it has the effect of moistening lung and drying phlegm. It is suitable for dry cough due to lung dryness.