
My child is always sick, what should I feed them? My daughter is seven months old and has just been weaned, but she has been getting a fever and sick recently. It’s really Annoying,are there any good feeding methods I can use? Thank you.


Hello: The treatment needs to be specific based on clinical symptoms. Mixed Feeding: This involves adding other milk or substitute foods, such as milk mixed with rice porridge, when the breast milk is insufficient. When supplementing with milk or milk powder, it should be fed first because the nipple hole is larger and easier to suck out, causing the baby to eat half full at one time. This is medically referred to as “nipple illusion.” The number of times breast milk is fed daily should remain the same as before to maintain the daily milk secretion volume. Two, for children under six years old, a hemoglobin level below 110 grams per liter (11 grams per 100 milliliters) is considered anemia. Iron supplements should be taken: (1) 10% citric acid ferric ammonium sulfate solution: 1 to 2 milliliters per kilogram per day, taken three times a day. (2) Ferrous Fumarate: 50-150 milligrams per dose, taken twice to three times a day. (3) Ferrous sulfate syrup (4) Ferrous fumarate dry syrup (5) Baby Blood Treasure (6) Green Sol Iron Oral Solution (7) Dextran Iron.