
How to improve a child’s immunity?


To strengthen a baby’s resistance, consider the following aspects:

  1. Strengthen physical fitness through sunbathing, air bathing, and water bathing. Gradually increase the intensity from simple to complex exercises. Bathing promotes blood circulation in the skin and enhances metabolism, thereby strengthening a child’s physique. However, during dry winter weather, bathing daily may make a baby’s skin dry. It is sufficient to bathe twice a week.
  2. Dress children appropriately; do not rely on adults’ subjective wishes to handle a child’s clothing. For instance, if an adult is afraid of cold, do not dress the child excessively; if the adult is afraid of heat, do not dress the child too little. Both are inappropriate. Some parents, fearing that their children will catch a cold, always dress them warmly, but if the child sweats after activity and does not change clothes promptly, it is easier to catch a cold. Dress them to avoid sweating and ensure hands and feet are warm.
  3. Feed children reasonably; during infancy, breast milk feeding is recommended as it contains secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA), which can strengthen the child’s respiratory resistance. Also, introduce complementary foods in a timely manner and follow the principles of gradual introduction. Aim for balanced nutrition.
  4. Keep indoor air fresh; frequently open windows for ventilation and air exchange. Open windows for ventilation at least twice a day for 20 minutes each time to reduce the chance of respiratory infections. Maintain an appropriate indoor temperature and humidity; room temperature should be around 20 degrees Celsius, and humidity between 50%-60%.
  5. Minimize visits to public places, especially during flu outbreaks. Avoid taking children to crowded public places like malls and supermarkets, and do not visit sick people’s homes to prevent cross-infection.
  6. Avoid contact with patients with upper respiratory infections: If family members have a cold, be sure to isolate them.