
After the baby drinks formula, they will vomit after a while. What could be the reason? And they always sleep lightly, always startled, startled like this? Is there any way to deal with it?


Hello: May I know how old your child is? Vomiting is a common symptom of the digestive system. Vomiting includes vomiting and regurgitation. If a few mouthfuls of milk are refluxed into the mouth, it is considered regurgitation, not vomiting, and it does not affect growth and development. It usually disappears around 6 months after birth as the baby grows older. Newborns have a small stomach capacity, are in a horizontal position, and their esophagus is relatively relaxed. The sphincter connecting to the esophagus is underdeveloped, and the nerve regulation function of intestinal peristalsis, as well as the secretion function of gastric acid and protease, are also poor. This makes newborns, especially premature infants, prone to vomiting. The most common cause of vomiting is improper feeding, accounting for about 1/4 of newborn vomiting cases. This is mainly due to overfeeding, inappropriate concentration, milk temperature not suitable, too small a nipple hole, lying flat immediately after feeding, too much and too early movement of the baby, and intense crying and screaming can also cause vomiting. Mild vomiting and regurgitation have little impact on the body, but repeated vomiting can lead to water-electrolyte and acid-base imbalance, manifesting as dehydration, seizures, and coma. Severe vomiting can cause the vomit to be inhaled into the trachea, leading to aspiration pneumonia, blocking the airway of weak infants and premature infants, causing asphyxial death. Patients