
My child is now 11 months old and has been feeling unwell for the past few days. She has been experiencing diarrhea for three consecutive days, starting with two to three episodes per day, which today increased to four to five times. Her stools are yellowish and slightly loose. We haven’t taken her to see a doctor yet. I want to know what might be causing this? We have made careful food choices and controlled the temperature well, but could it be that she has eaten too much? We provide her with three meals a day, along with afternoon snacks, and she also eats at night. We have already given her Polygynax, and she has been particularly prone to vomiting lately. Although her spirits are still good, I am wondering why she is vomiting? Are there any reasons for this? Thank you.


The child’s condition may be due to dyspepsia or abdominal cold, resulting in diarrhea, loose stools, and an increased frequency of bowel movements. In such cases, it is important to keep the abdomen warm, drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, and actively use medications that strengthen spleen and stomach health for treatment. I suggest taking oral preparations such as Chicken Gizzard Powder, Spleen and Stomach Tonifying Powder, Simeticon, and Mami Love, as well as applying Dinggui’er navel sticker on the navel for external use. This can yield a good effect.