
My 11-month-old baby has had diarrhea for the past three days, despite eating and sleeping well. The frequency has increased from two to three times a day to four or five times today, and the stools are yellowish and somewhat loose. What could be the cause? We’ve been eating well, and we’ve been careful with the temperature. Is it possible that we’ve been overfeeding? We have three meals a day, with a snack in the afternoon and dinner at night. I’ve given her Ganciclovir, and she has also been vomiting a lot lately. The baby seems in good spirits. Why is she vomiting? What could be the cause? Thank you.


The baby’s condition may be due to dyspepsia or abdominal cold, leading to loose stools with increased frequency. It’s important to keep the abdomen warm, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, and actively use medications that strengthen the spleen and stomach for treatment. It is recommended to take oral medications such as Chicken Gizzard Powder, Invigorating Spleen Powder, Simethicone, and Mammy Love, and apply Dinggui’er Stomach Plasters externally on the navel. This can effectively alleviate the symptoms.