
One week ago, my child collided with the corner of the bed in the middle of the forehead, resulting in bruising that was not treated. A few days later, the bruise turned pale yellow, but three days ago, it suddenly swelled after a bath. The next morning, the swelling subsided, but a more severe purple discoloration appeared, which has not faded yet. Today, I discovered that it has swelled again, and the purple spot is still very obvious. How should I handle this situation? Can I apply honghua oil externally? Additional question: Is it absolutely necessary to take an X-ray? The child is currently normal in all aspects and very lively. Also, are the medications you mentioned for external use?


Firstly, for swelling and bruising that occur after a child’s head collision, it is recommended to use an ice pack or a cool towel to apply cold compresses to the affected area to promote vasoconstriction and clotting of capillaries, thereby reducing pain. Additionally, a little sesame oil can be applied to the affected area, and a moist potato slice can be placed on it to assist in pain relief and bruise dissolution. As for whether an X-ray is necessary, generally speaking, if the child does not show symptoms such as changes in consciousness, vomiting, or severe headache, and remains lively as usual, an immediate X-ray may not be required. Regarding the use of honghua oil, please follow professional medical advice and do not recommend self-administration.