
My child is a 2-year-old boy. He started to have a slight pain in his throat, and I noticed that when he speaks, his voice is a bit hoarse, and he also has a fever and seems to lack energy. What should I do if my child has tonsillitis and cries and is restless, and how can the treatment be effective?


If a child has tonsillitis, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be administered. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatments such as tonsil irrigation or regional drug injections can also be performed. Painkillers may be given to relieve throat pain if necessary. If there is a fever, it should be reduced appropriately. If the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. If the treatment is not effective and the condition recurs, consider surgery as an option. At the same time, pay attention to arranging a reasonable diet and sleep habits for the child to help them recover sooner.