
Is it better for babies to use diapers or cloth?


Long-term use of diapers may result in the loss of early training opportunities and could potentially affect the baby’s hip joint health. Since a child’s legs are more plump, a rigid diaper can be worn between the chubby legs, causing friction during walking and leading to children walking in a split-limb manner, which is prone to hip dysplasia. It is recommended to choose diapers suitable for newborns. Cotton diapers are superior in terms of breathability and moisture absorption compared to synthetic fabrics, and they are soft and comfortable, making them very suitable for babies. It is best to choose white cotton diapers so that we can more easily observe the color and texture of the baby’s urine and feces. White cotton diapers, being uncolored, also help avoid issues such as allergies and irritation to the baby’s skin caused by dyes.