
A four-year-old boy has been frequently suffering from colds and coughs since winter arrived. Although his cough has improved after treatment, he still experiences nasal congestion, accompanied by nosebleeds, bad breath, and throat pain. Recently, his eyes have become red and swollen, with an increase in secretions, and he sometimes grinds his teeth at night. How should he be treated, and how can his physical constitution be adjusted to enhance his immunity?


The child’s frequent nosebleeds may be due to lung heat. When nosebleeds occur, it is recommended to apply pressure for at least 5 minutes to stop the bleeding, and to apply red mold ointment and Yunnan Baiyao to promote healing. It is suggested to use Yu Ping Feng Granules to boost immunity, while also increasing exercise and timely vaccination against the flu. Additionally, the sore throat and eye symptoms may indicate a bacterial infection, necessitating symptomatic treatment and attention to daily hygiene to reduce the risk of infection. For physical constitution adjustment, it is advisable to consult a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for appropriate adjustments.