
A 20-month-old baby has been found to have a calcium deficiency. Parents want to know if they can adjust the baby’s diet or take other measures to improve the situation, and what potential effects calcium deficiency might have on the child’s growth and development.


For a 20-month-old, if there is a mild calcium or zinc deficiency, it can be adjusted through daily diet. Foods rich in calcium include milk, egg yolks, fish puree, shrimp puree, seaweed, and seaweed soup; while zinc-rich foods include liver puree, minced lean meat, chicken, duck, pork, fish puree, mushrooms, and shellfish. Additionally, adequate sun exposure can also help the body absorb calcium. If the degree of calcium deficiency does not affect the baby’s growth and development, parents do not need to worry excessively and can gradually improve the situation through dietary supplementation.