
How can I make my child grow taller?


One, Do Not Miss the Growth Spurt Period During the pubertal development of children and adolescents, at what age does a child’s height grow the fastest? Research has shown that the peak of height growth for most Chinese Han children is around 12 years old for girls and 14 years old for boys; over 90% of girls experience their fastest height growth between the ages of 11 to 13, and boys between 13 to 15. To ensure that their children grow taller, parents should pay special attention to their children’s nutrition and physical exercise during the growth spurt period. Two, Pay Attention to Nutritional Supplements Nutrition is the key to a child’s physical growth. The energy, protein, and amino acids needed for normal growth must come from food, primarily from meat, eggs, beans, and bean products. Bone formation also requires adequate amounts of calcium, phosphorus, as well as trace elements like manganese and iron. Insufficient calcium intake and vitamin D deficiency can lead to insufficient bone mineralization, while vitamin A deficiency can make bones shorter and thicker, and vitamin C deficiency can cause defects in the extracellular matrix of bone cells, which can affect bone growth. Currently, most families in a balanced diet should provide comprehensive and adequate nutrition. Parents should be careful not to allow their children to develop picky eating habits or excessive consumption of snacks that can affect the intake of important nutrients. Three, Do Not Ignore Physical Exercise Physical exercise can enhance the metabolic process of the body, accelerate blood circulation, promote the secretion of growth hormones, speed up bone tissue growth, and benefit human growth. Here are several types of exercise that can help with height growth; you might want to try them.