
An 11-year-old boy recently developed tonsillitis and has lost his appetite. Besides treatment, what can he eat more to help him regain his appetite and boost his immunity?


When a child has tonsillitis, in addition to timely treatment, attention to diet is also crucial. Here are some suggestions:

  • Consume fresh fruits and vegetables: These are rich in various vitamins and minerals that help boost the child’s immunity. Particularly, tangerine peels, which are high in vitamin C, have good anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Choose easy-to-swallow and digestible foods: Soft foods like congee are suitable for a child with an inflamed throat and can also help them intake sufficient nutrition.
  • Maintain a light diet and avoid irritants: Irritants such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and beef and mutton may worsen the inflammation, so they should be reduced in intake.
  • Develop good living habits: Regular work and rest and moderate exercise can enhance the child’s immunity and reduce the likelihood of future inflammation. In summary, besides seeking medical treatment promptly, adjusting the child’s diet and lifestyle habits is also necessary to aid in the recovery from tonsillitis and reduce the chance of future inflammation.