
My child is one month old and there is a red rash around the anus with skin breakdown. It looks like diaper rash online. Please advise experts on how to treat it and what medication is effective quickly. I have been using iodine solution for a week with no improvement, and I have also used sesame oil for quite some time, but it doesn’t seem to work well. First Supplementary Question: Is it okay to use Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder if the skin has already broken down? Second Supplementary Question: The rash started around the anus and has spread to the hips and thighs. In this case, the rash is not diaper rash.


Hello: Diaper rash, also known as diaper dermatitis, is primarily treated by keeping the area dry and exposing the buttocks as much as possible. Topically, you can use a penicillin ointment or fish oil cream.