
Why is the baby crying?


Newborns have not yet fully developed their central nervous system, so they sleep more during the day and resist going to sleep at night, requiring adults to comfort them to stop the crying. Additionally, the fatigue of adults at night may lead to a slower response to the baby’s needs, causing the baby to cry. Conditions such as rickets, tuberculosis, and malnutrition are also possible causes of the baby’s night crying. To solve the problem of a baby crying at night, it’s essential to first analyze the cause and then conduct targeted training to change the habit of day and night reversal. You can arrange activities like drinking water, changing diapers, taking cod liver oil and calcium tablets during the day, and avoid overfeeding the baby to prevent waking up due to hunger. During the day, gently touch the baby’s feet, amuse them, make them laugh or take deep breaths, and disturb their sleep to establish a habit of being awake during the day and asleep at night. If the baby has conditions such as rickets, tuberculosis, or malnutrition, they should be treated promptly. After these diseases are cured, the situation of night crying will also improve.