
I noticed that a one-year-old child has uneven body temperatures on both feet, with one foot feeling cold and the other warm. The same situation is observed in both hands. Additionally, there is also an uneven development in the child’s legs. The child was born without any complications. What condition could this be? What could be the cause?


At noon, the child’s body temperature under the left armpit is usually around 36.8 or 36.9 degrees Celsius, but the temperature under the right armpit is higher, at 37.3 or 37.4 degrees Celsius, and the oral temperature is 37.3 degrees Celsius, indicating a low-grade fever. The symptoms mentioned may be caused by a common cold, and treatment with cold medicine capsules and paracetamol pseudoephedrine tablets can be generally adopted. Please note to rest adequately, avoid exhaustion, keep warm, avoid catching a cold to worsen the condition, drink plenty of water, avoid excessive greasy food, and avoid smoke and mist irritation. Observe for a period of time to see if there is any improvement in symptoms.