
A 23-month-old child has always had a smaller appetite than same age peers, with a significant decrease in food intake over the past month. During meal times, the child claims to be full and does not eat snacks. The child seems uninterested in food, lacking appetite for anything, and even snacks are not eaten much, sometimes not even finishing a small piece of biscuit. The child has not been taken to a doctor and is seeking advice online. Thank you for your help!


Firstly, it is important to distinguish the cause of the child’s anorexia. If it is due to gastrointestinal or systemic diseases or drug reactions, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. For the symptoms of anorexia, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be chosen for treatment. For example, if the child has indigestion and food retention, they can take concentrated Baohe pills; if the child has weak spleen and stomach, with reduced appetite and bloating, they can take Xiangsha Liujun pills; if due to irregular diet damaging the spleen and stomach, leading to decreased appetite, bloating discomfort, or stomachache, they can take Xiangsha Yangwei pills; if there is food retention causing bloating and diarrhea after eating,Jianpi San Pills can be taken. In addition to medication treatment, to make the child enjoy eating, the following methods should be noted:

  1. Provide a relatively quiet eating environment for the child so that they can eat comfortably and happily. Because the digestive system is affected by emotions, tension can lead to decreased appetite. Therefore, when the child is eating, adults should not talk loudly or distract them with other activities.
  2. In addition to considering various nutrients for the child’s food, attention should be paid to its richness and diversity as well as ease of digestion. Try to ensure that the food