
A two-month-old baby seems to have a poor digestive system, with a few coughs at night, as if there’s phlegm, and this situation usually improves after three or four days. Additionally, the baby has been particularly restless during sleep for the past two nights, sweating excessively, and there is a significant reduction in urine output. Many small red spots have appeared on the body, not in large patches, unlike measles. Around 30 to 40 days after birth, the baby gets small red spots on the face when washing or exerting effort. People in the countryside say this is heat toxin, and many methods of bathing have been tried, but the effect is not good.


If the baby is breastfed, it is recommended that the mother pay attention to her diet, consuming light and easily digestible foods, and gently massaging the baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction to promote digestion. If the baby is formula-fed or has started complementary feeding, it is suggested to feed the baby in small portions but more frequently to facilitate digestion.