
My son’s fontanelle closed when he was eight months old. Is this too early? Will it affect his future intelligence? Thank you.


A few normal children have fontanelles that close prematurely, but this does not mean the skull stops growing. Typically, fontanelle closure at ten months is normal, and many children close theirs between four and seven months. Generally, there is no adverse effect. The bones of the skull interlock in a dog-tooth pattern, which is relatively loose. As the brain develops and grows, the skull can still fully develop. Therefore, the child’s development is normal. It is recommended to measure the head circumference every two months and conduct developmental checks to ensure that the baby’s head circumference grows at a normal pace and matches the developmental level of the age. If it grows normally, there is no need to worry; the fontanelle is just membranous closure. Additionally, if the baby does not have a deficiency in calcium or other trace elements, you can temporarily stop supplementing with calcium and cod liver oil. Generally speaking, there are no other adverse issues. No need to worry.