
A parent inquired about their baby’s condition of experiencing roseola accompanied by persistent high fever. The baby began to have a fever on January 16th of this month, with an initial body temperature around 37.5 degrees. On January 19th, a hospital visit revealed a diagnosis of roseola, and the doctor informed the parent that the fever would subside after the rash appears. However, red small rashes began to appear on the baby’s body on January 20th, followed by high fever on January 21st, which continued until January 23rd, with the highest temperature reaching 39.1 degrees. The parent has tried various medications including Children’s Baotai Kang Granules, Children’s Fever Reduction Oral Liquid, Xinbolin (Rimantadine) Granules, Fever Reduction Suppositories, and injection of Bupleurum Injection, but the fever has not subsided. Why did the baby start having a high fever only after the rash appeared? How should the parent respond?


In cases of persistent high fever with roseola, it is crucial to first take measures to lower the temperature. Ice packs can be placed on the forehead, neck, armpits, and inguinal areas to cool down promptly or use medication for cooling or adopt physical cooling methods. It is important to ensure adequate hydration and rest during a high fever, and ensure that the diet is nutritious and easy to digest. If there is a history of febrile seizures in the child, special attention should be paid to timely cooling down and appropriate use of sedatives if necessary to prevent seizures from occurring.