What are the symptoms of trace element deficiency in newborns?
Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body and is crucial for maintaining normal function across all systems. It is essential for the metabolism of brain neurons, ensuring vibrant brain activity, calmness, and improved judgment. Sufficient calcium can suppress abnormal excitement of brain neurons, helping individuals to remain calm. Deficiency in calcium can affect nerve conduction, leading to imbalances in excitability of nerves and muscles, making individuals more sensitive, emotionally unstable, and having difficulty concentrating. Medical research shows that patients with neurosensory hearing loss have lower levels of calcium, iron, and zinc in their serum than healthy individuals. Deficiencies in trace elements may cause symptoms such as poor sleep, grinding teeth, talking in one’s sleep, crying, long blisters on hands and feet, and decreased appetite in babies. Additionally, babies may sweat excessively, which could be due to deficiencies in calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, and other trace elements. Typically, doctors may recommend giving supplements containing calcium, iron, zinc, and selenium to babies, but during intense sunlight, the absorption of medication may be affected. If the effects of the supplements are not satisfactory, consider other methods of better absorption or consult with a doctor to adjust the treatment plan.