
What causes bedwetting in children?


Medically, the inability to control urination in children is referred to as “enuresis.” This is because the nervous system and bladder function have not yet matured. Approximately 15% of children still experience nocturnal enuresis at the age of 5. The primary treatment for enuresis is non-pharmacological, including psychological counseling and habit cultivation. Parents should not scold their children loudly or show impatience due to frequent enuresis, as this can only increase the psychological burden on the child and even lead to feelings of inferiority. Parents should provide more psychological stress relief and encouragement to their children, creating a relaxed environment. When a child wets the bed, parents should best be able to “laugh it off,” treating it calmly, as mentioned earlier, most cases of enuresis in children are functional and temporary. If all checks are normal, parents should not worry unnecessarily.