
The twin is a girl, 37+4 weeks pregnant, born weighing 2.25 kg. Due to frequent amniotic fluid leakage, she was admitted to the neonatal ward for 5 days and received gastric lavage and anti-infection treatment. Now, at 4 months and 5 days old, she weighs 4.2 kg, is 58 cm tall, and her motor development is approximately at the 3-month level. For the first 2 months, there was a significant stridor, weak suckling ability, mixed feeding, small milk intake of about 200-300 ml/day. Currently on exclusive breastfeeding and breastmilk fortifier, with a milk intake of about 500 ml/day. The breastmilk fortifier has been taken for about 2 weeks. There was diarrhea for 2 weeks in the middle, and the medication was discontinued during that period. The baby cried and fussed obvious after birth, now slightly improved. However, the crying sound is still sharp, and emotions are easily excited. Blood routine white blood cell count has been high since birth. The other twin is breastfed, weighing 3.2 kg at birth and now weighs 8 kg. The two babies differ greatly in size. How should they be fed and treated? Can they catch up with normal babies?


It is beneficial to actively provide the baby with appropriate abdominal massage, which has some effect. If necessary, oral administration of children’s medicine tablets or Qizhen Dan can be used for treatment, and anal suppositories can also be used to help relieve symptoms. During this period, pay attention to supplementing the baby with more fluids. python