
The baby is 40 months old, a boy, who has previously been prone to colds and pneumonia. This time, the fever has lasted over 30 hours, with the body temperature maintained around 37.5 degrees. During this period, he has taken ceftriaxone and sodium amoxicillin but still has a persistent fever. The child is in good spirits and occasionally heard with phlegm in the throat, no coughing. How should we treat a child’s fever?


If a child’s fever persists above 38 degrees, it is recommended to first proceed with physical cooling methods such as taking a warm bath or using a towel to compress the forehead. As for medication treatment, it is not advisable to administer antipyretics on your own and professional medical diagnosis and treatment are required. Fever can have various causes, possibly involving inflammation or viral infection. Therefore, it is best to seek immediate examination at a professional pediatric hospital to find the root cause and administer medication accordingly.