
A six-year-old boy, previously lively and cheerful with good mental health, went missing during a playtime a year ago. He returned home six days later in disheveled clothes, unwilling to recall the details of his disappearance. Since then, he has been afraid of the dark, hesitant to sleep alone, often waking up in the middle of the night with nightmares. Additionally, he has become silent and unwilling to go out, often daydreaming. How should treatment be approached?


In terms of medication, consideration can be given to using brain-nourishing and kidney-tonifying pills and Oryza sativa extract. Avoid engaging in deep thought or reading within half an hour to an hour before bedtime, watching overly tense TV shows, and avoiding stimulants such as coffee and strong tea, as well as quitting smoking. Appropriate physical activities like walking and doing exercises can help relax. At the same time, it is important to avoid excessive mental activities that cause tension.