
What are the dietary precautions for epilepsy patients? I have a relative’s child who has epilepsy, and they usually enjoy drinking fish soup. Are there any special requirements for fish soup? Are there any foods that should be avoided?


Epilepsy, also known as grand mal, is typically difficult to completely cure with medication. Studies have shown that factors such as overeating, extreme hunger, alcohol consumption, smoking, and excessive intake of spicy and irritating foods are major risk factors for triggering epilepsy. Therefore, it is recommended that epilepsy patients consume more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, shrimp, eggs, milk, and foods rich in vitamins B6, K, and minerals like calcium and magnesium. At the same time, potassium intake should be limited, and fried and overly greasy foods should be avoided. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated many unique treatment methods through long-term clinical practice. It is suggested to use herbs such as Gastrodia elata (Tianma), amber, hornbeam antler (Jingjie), musk (Shexiang), bupleurum (Chaihu), cinnamon twigs (Guizhi), acorus tatarinowii (Shigao), Qingyangshen (Qingyangshen), white silkworm (Baiyaochan), Uncaria rhynchophylla (Gouteng), Epimedii herba (Yangxiancao), nacre (Zhenshu), ferric pyrophosphate (Tiegangfen), dragon’s beard grass (Longji cao), and licorice (Gancao) for treatment. These herbs, when used together, have the effects of reinforcing the body’s resistance, calming the mind and soothing the nerves, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, removing dampness and resolving phlegm, awakening the brain and clearing orifices, strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, and nourishing essence and marrow. They can fundamentally regulate organ functions and are the best treatment plan for epilepsy.