
Poor diet, headaches, chest tightness. How should one treat optic nerve atrophy in the initial stage?


Initial treatment for optic nerve atrophy can involve the traditional Chinese medicine ‘Vision Clearing and Brightening Therapy’. This therapy is based on the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, utilizing the four diagnostic methods of observation, listening, inquiry, and palpation to explore the etiology, nature, and location of the disease, as well as to judge the changes in the balance of evil and righteous, thereby determining the outcome of the disease. This therapy adheres to the dialectical principle of ’treating the external by treating the internal, treating the internal by treating the root’, providing comprehensive restoration for patients, balancing organ functions, and aiming to nourish blood, soothe the liver, regulate qi to relieve depression, strengthen qi to consolidate the exterior, and expel wind and evil. Combining the essence of traditional Chinese medicine with modern medical technology, it quickly eliminates symptoms to achieve the effect of removing superficial issues while consolidating the root.