
I recently went for a health check-up at the hospital, and the doctor mentioned that I might have a tendency towards glaucoma. I would like to ask what causes glaucoma?


For patients with glaucoma, it is first recommended to undergo hospital treatment for lowering intraocular pressure. If the treatment is not effective, surgery is recommended as it tends to yield better results. Patients with glaucoma should adopt a light diet, consume more vegetables and fruits, and maintain smooth bowel movements. They should avoid spicy, greasy foods, alcohol, strong tea, and coffee, as these may cause increased intraocular pressure and instability. Additionally, they should control their daily total water intake and single intake volume. It is generally suggested that the single intake volume should not exceed 250 milliliters and the daily total intake volume should not exceed 2000 milliliters, as excessive water intake may lead to increased intraocular pressure.