
My child has been feeling unwell recently, and after a hospital examination, was diagnosed with adenoid hypertrophy. I would like to know what symptoms adenoid hypertrophy can trigger?


Adenoid hypertrophy may block the nasal passages and eustachian tubes, leading to symptoms in multiple locations.

  1. Ear Symptoms: Adenoid hypertrophy can obstruct the eustachian tubes, causing poor ventilation and leading to secretory otitis media, which can result in decreased hearing and even tinnitus.
  2. Nose Symptoms: Nasal obstruction may trigger rhinitis or sinusitis, causing mouth breathing during sleep and potentially leading to snoring sounds. In severe cases, it may even cause apnea.
  3. Throat Symptoms: Nasal secretions that flow into the throat may stimulate the mucous membrane, leading to coughing. Over time, this may lead to complications such as bronchitis.
  4. Adenoid Facies: Long-term mouth breathing may affect facial skeletal development, resulting in thick lips and the so-called “adenoid facies.”