
An 18-month-old baby developed severe nasal congestion after a month of having a cold, which persisted for 15 days. Initially, there was nasal congestion, and later, during sleep, snoring occurred, and there were occasional breathing pauses of about 10 seconds. Upon waking up, the baby would cry due to difficulty breathing, making it hard to fall asleep. After an X-ray examination at the hospital, the diagnosis was adenoid hypertrophy. The doctor recommended a general anesthesia surgery, but the parents chose not to undergo surgery and wanted to know about available conservative treatments.


For adenoid hypertrophy, parents can adopt the following conservative treatment methods: pay attention to nutritional intake, prevent colds, and enhance the child’s immunity through methods such as injections of placental globulin or transfer factors. A 0.5% ephedrine nasal drop can be used to relieve nasal congestion symptoms. At the same time, actively treat related diseases. If there is also tonsillar hypertrophy, consider undergoing tonsillectomy first. As the child grows older, the adenoids usually shrink gradually, so the condition may improve or completely disappear.