
A 13-year-old boy is experiencing sore throat, slight cough, and low-grade fever. He has been diagnosed with pediatric tonsillitis. What should be paid attention to in terms of diet during the inflammation and fever period?


When a child has tonsillitis, appropriate dietary adjustments are crucial for treatment. Here are some points to consider in diet:

  • Consume more vegetables and fruits: Rich in vitamins and trace elements, they help boost the child’s immunity and are lighter and easier to digest. For example, tangerine peel is rich in vitamin C and has good anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Choose easily digestible foods: Provide soups that are well-thinned, soft noodles, and other foods that are easy to chew and digest.
  • Drink plenty of plain water: Adequate water intake is beneficial for body metabolism and recovery.
  • Reduce irritant foods: Minimize or avoid eating foods like beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood as they may worsen inflammation.
  • Correct poor dietary habits: Help the child correct picky eating, anorexia, and other bad habits to ensure balanced nutrition intake and comprehensive absorption.