
My child is feeling unwell and has been diagnosed with adenoid hypertrophy. I would like to know what symptoms this condition might cause?


Adenoid hypertrophy can cause blockages in the nasal passages and eustachian tubes, potentially leading to a variety of symptoms affecting the ears, nose, throat, and more.

  1. Ear Symptoms: May trigger secretory otitis media due to blocked eustachian tubes, resulting in decreased hearing and tinnitus.
  2. Nose Symptoms: May lead to rhinitis and sinusitis, snoring during sleep, and in severe cases, even apnea.
  3. Throat Symptoms: Nasal secretions entering the throat may cause coughing, and long-term may lead to complications such as bronchitis.
  4. Adenoid Facies: Long-term mouth breathing may affect facial bone development, leading to thick lips and an adenoid facies.