
Recently, I’ve noticed that my child blinks frequently. We went to the city hospital’s ophthalmology department for a consultation, and the ophthalmologist diagnosed that the child has slight eye inflammation due to eyelashes being inwardly turned. Eye drops were prescribed for treatment, but after a few days of use, the symptoms did not improve, and I’m worried that the child may have a tic disorder.


An increase in blinking frequency in children can be caused by various reasons, including prolonged TV watching, excessive homework time, poor eye hygiene, eye fatigue, exam stress, chronic conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and refractive errors. Treatment should first address the cause: 1. Confirm whether the blinking is caused by an eye disease and actively treat the eye disease; if there is refractive error, wear glasses appropriately. 2. Reduce the time spent watching TV, doing homework, and using computers. 3. Pay attention to eye hygiene, avoid rubbing eyes with dirty hands, and strengthen eye care.