
The 22-month-old baby suddenly developed a fever of 39 degrees Celsius the night before, which was brought down to normal body temperature with fever-reducing medication. The next day, after visiting the hospital, it was found that there were blisters in the mouth, and the baby was diagnosed with herpetic pharyngitis. However, no rash appeared on the hands and feet. How should treatment and care be handled?


Herpetic pharyngitis usually has a good prognosis and most patients recover within a week. The focus of treatment is symptomatic management, including:

  1. Isolate the child and pay attention to environmental disinfection to prevent cross-infection.
  2. Perform oral care. For patients with severe blisters and ulcers in the mouth, use Kangfu Xin liquid for gargling or apply it to the affected area. Alternatively, you can mix Simethicone into a paste and apply it to the ulcer surface with a cotton swab after meals.
  3. Keep clothing and bedding clean, choose comfortable and soft clothing, and change them regularly.
  4. Trim the baby’s nails and wrap their hands if necessary to prevent them from scratching the rash.