
What are the causes of the abdominal epilepsy syndrome?


The abdominal epilepsy syndrome is a type of epilepsy that is characterized by abdominal pain. The exact cause is still unclear. Treatment methods include both Western and traditional Chinese medicine: In Western medicine:

  1. If epilepsy is caused by a genetic disorder, prenatal diagnosis should be conducted, and if a fetus with a genetic disorder is found, an induced abortion can be performed to reduce the occurrence of this type of epilepsy.
  2. When choosing a spouse, individuals with epilepsy should avoid marrying someone with a family history of epilepsy. Unmarried partners of individuals with epilepsy should undergo pre-marital electroencephalogram (EEG) testing. If epilepsy waves are detected, marriage should be avoided. Couples with a family history of epilepsy on both sides should also avoid marriage.
  3. To prevent epilepsy caused by brain damage at birth, for elderly primiparas who are expected to have a difficult labor, an elective cesarean section should be performed early to avoid complications such as oxygen deficiency, asphyxia, and birth injuries that may lead to epilepsy in the child later in life. In traditional Chinese medicine:
  4. Treatment Methods: For conditions such as kidney Yin deficiency and internal wind disturbance, the treatment approach is to calm the liver and subdue the wind, commonly using the Herba Epimedii and Uncaria Decoction or Tianma Uncaria Drink; for conditions such as spleen deficiency and dampness excess, phlegm obstruction, the treatment method is to resolve phlegm and open the orifices, commonly using Wending Decoction, Ninghan Powder, or Zhening Tablets.
  5. Acupuncture Therapy: Commonly used acupoints include Fengchi, Fengfu, Baihui, Shangxing, Yintang, Quli, Quchi, Neiguan, Hegu, Taichong. This is the explanation of the causes of the abdominal epilepsy syndrome. I hope it helps you. Wishing you health.