
Could the doctor recommend some suitable laxative drugs for facial palsy patients?


For constipation, the usual method is to take laxatives. However, the indiscriminate or excessive use of stimulant laxatives such as Detol, Aloe Vera capsules, and Cleansing Tea can not only cause abdominal pain but also lead to drug dependence if used over a long period. After stopping the medication, the constipation problem may still persist. Additionally, the colon may develop pigmentation under the stimulation of these drugs, leading to colorectal blackening disease, and potentially damaging the intestinal wall nerves and muscle tissue, increasing the risk of polyp formation and becoming a risk factor for colon cancer. To thoroughly solve the constipation problem, it may require a long time and sustained effort. Improving the intestinal environment can be a way to cure it, such as using Golden Bifidus Factor to increase the number of Bifidobacterium in the intestines, thus balancing the intestinal microecological environment. This method may take several months or even half a year.